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Accountants and Tax  Agents

Business Accounting that will streamline your processes and improve the bottom line.

Business Advice and Financial Accounting

Business Accounting that will improve and streamline your processes, eliminating paper and bookkeeping time and provide real-time reporting to make important decisions to pivot your business into success.

Individual & Business Tax Returns

Let us prepare your 2021 returns and optimise your refund. We specialise in multi-year outstanding returns. Let us help.

Helping you manage your finances, giving you more time to do what you do best

PHONE: 0433 727 465

Registerd & Accredited Tax Agents
brilliant star accounting services
Helping You Achieve Success In Your Business
Unlock Your Full Potential.

Say Hello to the new way.

Business software automation is the way forward to unlock time and

financial information. Gain real insight into your business instantly.

We are Xero Silver Partners and use Xero for all aspects of financial information and compliance obligations.

We can set  up your buiness in Hubdocs and Xero which will reduce data entry time and let you get back to doing what you are good at.

We provide group and one on one training depending on your needs or we can do the bookkeeping and compliance for you.

Piles of paper, receipts and invoices?

Still issuing quotes and invoices on a paper docket book?

Let us help you burn the paper, streamline your process and get paid quicker from your clients.

Individual Tax Returns

Contact us to complete your 2021 Tax Returns and claim your refunds now!  We specialise in overdue and outstanding tax returns. Let us sort it out for you.

Sole Trader Business Advice

Let us assist you to process and lodge your BAS and tax obligations so you can focus on completing work for your clients.

Small Business Advice and process Streamlining

Find out how your business compares to others. Get a ‘Healthcheck’ on your financials. Learn costing strategies to improve your cashflow. 

Xero Set up and Implementation and Training

FInd out how Xero and Hubdocs can free up your time to concentrate on servicing your clients.


Registered and Accredited Tax Agents

About Brilliant Star Accounting

Brilliant Star Accounting is a refreshing new style of accounting and business advice .  Not your typical stuffy bricks and mortor office based firm. Born on the need for  freedom, flexibility and simplicity and based on out-of the box real life experiences.  We do accounting differently.

With business and hands on experience in the area of construction and trades, farming, education and hospitality; small business, office management, HR and finance management along with tax and accounting expertise, we know what working on the ground and in a business means. Not only understanding of the technical jargon but knowing how to apply it small business. Contact us if you wish to have a refreshing analysis of your business



“Brilliant Star Accounting completed my Income Tax Return quickly and I received a higher refund than expected. They really thought about the extra things to claim that I didn’t know about.”

Lachlan 2021


“The team at Brilliant Star Accounting helped us set up our Xero file, streamlined my processes and made us a paperless office.”

Alex – H8ted Holden Wreckers

“I used Brilliant Star Accounting’s one on one training to learn Xero specific for my business. What a difference to my bookkeeping time and my bottom line.”

Candyce – Wellness Pilates

Xero Software Resources

Xero eBook

A no nonsense ebook simplifying the main functions of Xero –  coming soon.

The Essential Xero Training

Come to an afternoon Xero session and learn to complete your accounts and BAS on your own file. An relaxed interactive group session with like minded individuals.

Individual Xero Set up & Training

Consult with us about setting up your new Xero file and specialised Apps and receive one on one training specific to your business needs.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Contact Us Today!

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